‘Carmel Feast’ celebration 2024 in Veronica Auditorium @PWC

Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, Patna University annually observes ‘Carmel Feast’ on
July 16. However, the celebration took place on July 15, 2024 in the Veronica Auditorium. The
Carmel Feast is a prayer service. It is a significant religious event dedicated to Our Lady of
Mount Carmel, expressing gratitude to Mother Mary, the Patroness of the Carmelite order for
the support provided during its challenging early years. The programme commenced with the
seeking of God’s blessings through a prayer dance on the song “tu hi srishti karta, tu hi

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Thereafter, a soulful hymn “hey himshikharini” was sang by the students of the
PWC Choir. The origin of Carmel was depicted through a skit representing the triumph of
genuine faith over idolatry by Prophet Elijah following a contemporary dance cherishing the five

elements of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The audience was enchanted with the performances.
Soon after which, Dr. Sister M. Rashmi. A.C., Principal, Patna Women’s College, addressed the
audience, extending greetings and gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the solemn

program, while emphasizing the essence of the Carmel family, it’s core values and the
paramount importance of Carmel Feast and Mother Mary.

The event took place in two shifts. The event was compered by Tanya Jha of History along with
Vaishnavi Suman of Political Science. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Shrishti Tiwari,
Premier, Student Council 2024-25, Patna Women’s College. The entire event was organized
under the guidance of the Cultural Coordinators, Dr. Sister Celine Crasta AC, Head, Department
of History; Ms. Enakshi Dey Biswas, Coordinator of Performing Arts; and Ms. Puja Kumari,
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.

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