Christmas Milan with Transgenders and Rickshaw-Pullers

Patna Women’s College celebrated Christmas Milan with Transgender friends and Rickshaw
Pullers on 22nd December, 2023 in the Basketball Court of the college. Named ‘Christmas Milan’
the function is an annual feature before the College goes on a vacation for Christmas and New

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Year. It is jointly organized by the College Administration and Alumni Association of Patna
Women’s College.An interaction with about 100 transgender began at 10:30 a.m. at the
Basketball Court. It was followed by a meeting with 130 Rickshaw Pullers that began at 11:30

a.m. Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C., Principal, Patna Women’s College addressed the gathering. She
expressed her jubilant thoughts as she resolved to provide them as much assistance as
possible.The guests received shawls and badges and were entertained through a variety of songs

and dance performance presented by Dr. Manjula Sushila, Sports Co-ordinator and Head,
Department of Hindi and the student council members of the College. The guests were served
with refreshments before they left the venue. There were games and prizes for the guests as well.Prizes were given away by the Dr. Sister M. Tanisha A.C, Vice Principal, Patna Women’s
College. The entire event was moderated by Dr. Aprajita Krishna, Head, Department of Physics,
and Dean, Faculty of Science, Patna Women’s College. The President of Transgender Friends,
Ms. Reshma in her speech said that with the collaboration of Patna Women’s College, she is
highly obliged and thankful for the opportunities that has been created by the College. A Carol
Song was also organized by a group of Student Sisters of Patna Women’s College.

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