(IQAC) of PWC inaugurated two-day National Conference on “NAACREFORMS 2024 – BINARY ACCREDITATION

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, Patna

inaugurated the two-day RUSA sponsored National Conference on “NAAC
REFORMS 2024 – BINARY ACCREDITATION” on July 29th, 2024, at Carmel Hall. The event
began with an address by the Chief Guest, Prof. Kameshwar Jha, Vice Chairman of the Bihar
State Higher Education Council (BSHEC), who emphasized the importance of NAAC
accreditation for all colleges. He praised the dedicated efforts of Patna Women’s College in
achieving the highest possible NAAC grade of A++ and encouraged other institutions to emulate this success in their future accreditation endeavors. Dr. Archana Kumari, Deputy Secretary of BSHEC and Guest of Honour, highlighted the Council’s commitment to supporting colleges inobtaining NAAC accreditation and promoting quality initiatives undertaken by Higher Education

Institutions (HEIs). Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C., Principal of Patna Women’s College, warmly
welcomed the participants and offered support to colleges navigating the NAAC accreditation
process. Resource persons Dr. Amrita Chowdhury, Coordinator of IQAC at Patna Women’s
College, and Alok John, Dean of National and International Collaborations and Consultancy
Services (NICCS) and Assistant Coordinator of IQAC, provided in-depth discussions on the 10
attributes of the new NAAC framework, including the specific metric requirements and types of
data and evidence needed. The conference attracted over 75 participants, including Principals,
IQAC Coordinators, and faculty members, all committed to advancing the quality of higher
education through robust accreditation processes.

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