Patna District Magistrate Inspects Distribution of Blankets in Response to Rising Cold

Patna, December 30, 2023 – In light of the intensifying cold, Dr. Chandrashekhar Singh, the District Magistrate of Patna, is actively overseeing the distribution of blankets at various relief locations, rain baseras (night shelters), and among those in need. The DM conducted inspections at key sites such as Gandhi Maidan, bus stands, Maurya Hotel, railway stations, and residential blocks, engaging with beneficiaries and gathering feedback.

The initiative received positive feedback from the beneficiaries, who expressed satisfaction with the arrangements made by the administration. Additionally, there were calls from the public for the establishment of a rain basera near Bankipur bus stand, which the District Magistrate promptly directed the municipal authorities to consider.

At Maurya Hotel, instructions were given to store an ample supply of wood for burning, ensuring a sustained warmth throughout the night. Similar directives were issued for railway stations and bus stands, emphasizing the need for substantial wood storage to keep the alaavs burning late into the night.

Today, alaavs are being lit at more than 26 locations in urban areas, and the initiative extends to over 94 locations across the district. Each regional officer is actively supervising alaav lighting in their respective jurisdictions.

The Patna Municipal Corporation is operating permanent and temporary rain baseras and shelters at 21 locations in the city. Currently accommodating approximately 8,899 residents, these shelters operate in three shifts, with caretakers appointed to ensure the well-being of those seeking refuge. Special beds for women have been arranged in four designated rain baseras, emphasizing the commitment to providing a secure environment for all.

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To facilitate feedback from the shelter occupants, a dedicated register has been set up in each rain basera. The municipal corporation has also established a helpline number for residents to seek assistance or report any concerns. In a move towards inclusivity, arrangements have been made for free accommodation for the homeless in all rain baseras.

The shelters are well-equipped with essential amenities, including carpets, chairs, tables, blankets, pillows, mattress covers, heaters, trunks, drinking water, CCTV cameras, registers, and mirrors. The District Magistrate has directed the city’s municipal officers to maintain adequate stocks of firewood near Maurya Hotel, while railway stations and bus stands have been instructed to store large quantities of wood for extended alaav burning.Under the guidance of the District Magistrate, the Assistant Director of the District Social Security Corpus has provided 4,345 blankets to Block Development Officers and Sub-Divisional Officers for distribution in their respective regions. Panchayats are also actively engaged in swift distribution efforts, with 741 blankets already distributed in each panchayat and ongoing efforts to cover more.Dr. Singh has directed a minimum distribution of 10 blankets in each panchayat, emphasizing the urgency of providing relief to those in need. As winter intensifies, the DM and other officials are continuously monitoring and responding to cold prevention measures across the district.

In this coordinated effort by local authorities, the distribution of blankets and the operation of rain baseras reflect a commitment to ensuring the well-being of the community during the harsh winter months. The administration remains vigilant, actively seeking feedback and making necessary adjustments to address the needs of vulnerable populations across the district.

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