Mindfulness Practices for Stress-Free Living

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By karan jain
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In today’s fast paced environment where everyone is caught up in the constant turmoil of the external rat race and consumed by the societal pressure of outperforming in the materialistic world it is very natural to have a stressful and anxious mind as a byproduct. This originates at a very micro level from our own homes where are parents simply compare us with our friends in studies or sports and instil In us Deep sense of inferiority complex for those who are not that good or barely average and superiority complex for those who can do reasonably good.

But in
both the cases the child is at loss only where they see themselves as either superior or inferior to their peers and the world at large later on in life. And it is a vicious circle where the more we try to prove ourselves in the outer world the more stressful are being would be created on the
internal. Hence it has become the need of the hour for us to shift to and inculcate certain
mindful practices in our day to day lives for a stress free living and a happy and peaceful life. To feel worried about something that is of great concern and importance is quite normal and that’s how people used to protect themselves from predators in the ancient times but the modern world problems created by us and the poor mechanism to deal with it has resulted in huge amounts of unnecessary stress causing serious health problems even in the young individuals in 21st century.Here are Some suggestions of certain mindful practices one can incorporate in their day to day life for a healthy and better stress free living Since a healthy mind is as crucial as a healthy body for our overall well being.

1.)Being mindful, Being mindful is the first and the foremost and indeed the simplest way to
deal with ongoing stress. When facing a situation or a circumstance there can only be two
possibilities either it is in your control or out of your control. If it is something that you can do
about then look towards the possible realistic solutions and act but if it has been caused due to
some external factor which is beyond your control then just accept it And let it go. I know it is
easier said than done but the simplest thing to do for avoiding stress is taking charge of the
things that you can control and embracing the things for what they are that are out of your
2.) Being Reflective, Once a challenging situation Passes by just sit silently buy yourself for 5
minutes and reflect upon what you could have done differently for the outcome to be different
and just be absolutely honest with yourself. If the answer is yes there was certain things in my
control that I could have done differently take the learning and move ahead but if not Then it
was certainly something beyond your control. Being accountable to yourself and pondering over

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your actions often brings you to the conclusion of what changes or adjustments you could make
to avoid the repercussions if a similar situation recurs in the future.
3.) Meditation, it might look like a very old school or cliche practice but only very few have
actually and deeply understood the importance of this well renowned practice. In this chaotic
world where there is a constant chatter of noises over our head day in and day out it is very
necessary to shut that noise and pacify our minds for our mental wellbeing. It’s a myth that
doing meditation necessarily needs to be something with closing your eyes holding your hands
sitting in a particular way and trying to stop the endless thoughts that comes to your mind but it
is not what it actually means is just you sitting quietly by yourself and letting all those thoughts
that you were scared of come for what they are and see them in the eye and in no time they will
loose their power or sometimes it could be moving your focus to your breath and justice deep
breathing feeling it as you breathe or maybe chanting a mantra that you know or simply
chanting the name of om And let it sync in And be in unison with your being.
4.) Talk slowly and listen patiently, although we all are conditioned to do the exact opposite
which we also feel would lessen our stress but On the contrary what only it does is add more
and more stress 2 are being. We are somewhat conditioned to talk more and not listen to the
other person at all as we think proving a point and establishing our point of view have something
to do with the reality but in hindsight if you recollect all those arguments misunderstandings or

stressful situations That you ended up becoming a part of could have been simply avoided by
just putting a finger on your mouth and if it is utmost necessary to say something then say
dinner slow and low pitched tone so that the other person doesn’t feel attacked at and might
also realise his or her mistake eventually. But doing the opposite would certainly have stressful
outcomes as by very basic human nature no one wants to be proved wrong.
5.) Be fit, we all have this misconception that keeping ourselves physically fit has only to do with
our physical body but that is not completely true as far as being stressful is concerned it is not
only a byproduct of our thinking Yes in some cases it may be but in others it’s just a matter of
hormonal Deregulation and by simply going for a brisk walk a quick jog or an intense workout
session at the gym Which helps in releasing endorphins Key to releasing stress and improving
our overall mood.
6.) Take Time for yourself, throughout the day we are consumed by the worldly tasks that either
are boss or a client or our family or the government institutions assigns us but we barely take
time out for ourselves which is more important than all? Do complete the day to day tasks in the
most productive manner but don’t forget to take time for yourself and doing those things that
really makes you happy being it hanging around with your friends and having a fun conversation

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are going on a solo bicycle ride enjoying the views of nature all by yourself or just simply
grabbing a cup of goodness in your hot coffee to each his own, it is subjective and differs from
person to person but decide what is it for you and justice do it for you. In simple words Please
Do You as the more happier you will be the lesser room there will be for any stress.
7.) Build good social connections and strong relationships, I am not asking you to depend your
happiness on others or their presence but there is a reason why we are not created individually
but born into families meet certain people across life in school at work some whom we call our
friends and another that we call our life partner. The idea is to be happy within yourself and
securely approaching to build relations with others to multiply your happiness Since happy
energy is contagious, everyone wants to be around happy people and if one is happy he or she
certainly has the capability to make others happy ruling out stress if not completely to a great
extent from our lives.
So these were the few mindful practices one can undertake for a stress free living as why
waste life in worry and stress When you could live a life of happiness and contentment.

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