PWC celebrated Founder’s Day

On August 20, 2024, Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, Patna University celebrated the
Founder’s Day. The programme commenced with presenting the plant saplings to the
honourable guests as a token of gratitude followed by the lighting of the lamp and paying
homage to the Founder, Bishop B.J. Sullivan, S.J. by Rt. Reverend Sebastian Kallupura,
Archbishop, Patna Archdiocese. Then, the event started with a prayer dance and was followed
by welcoming the guests through a welcome song. After this,

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Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C.,
Principal, Patna Women’s College greeted the audience and highlighted the contribution of
Bishop B.J. Sullivan S.J. to the institution, the founder of Patna Women’s College. She
welcomed the esteemed guests of the day, Rt. Reverend Sebastian Kallupura, Archbishop,
Patna Archdiocese; Dr. Sister Reema A.C., Provincial Superior, Apostolic Carmel, Northern
Province; Dr. Sister Maria Kirti A.C., Councilor for Education, Apostolic Carmel, Northern
Province; Dr. Sister M. Jincy A.C., Superior Avila Convent and Reverend Father Reni Prakash,
Secretary to the Archbishop. Thereafter, a Kajri folk dance was presented on the song “Khetwa
Mein Sohe Kisan Ho”.

Further, the programme witnessed a thematic dance portraying the
theme of women empowerment. After this, Rt. Reverend Sebastian Kallupura, Archbishop,
Patna Archdiocese wished everyone on the occasion of Founder’s Day and congratulated the
PWC family for achieving a benchmark of NAAC Grading A++ and being the first college of
Bihar to achieve it. He appreciated the efforts and sacrifices of the Sisters of the Apostolic
Carmelite order and emphasized on how their unwavering support and undying commitment
has led to the success of Patna Women’s College.

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He also thanked the Teachers and staff
members for their hardwork and dedication in order to achieve such a good and improved NIRF
Ranking. He also shared few anecdotes with the gathering showcasing the efforts and sacrifices
of Sisters.

The event was supervised by the cultural coordinators, Dr. Sister Celine Crasta A.C., Head,
Department of History; Ms. Enakshi Dey Biswas, Coordinator, Performing Arts and Ms. Puja
Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce. The event was moderated by Ayushi
Arya and Shreya Ghoshal, Patna Women’s College. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by
Srishti Singh, Cultural Secretary, Student Council 2024-25, Patna Women’s College.
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